Award-winning Solutions

Count on the best IT solutions in the world

Experienced Technical Support

Our professionals are certified in our solutions, providing you agility and reliability


Cutting-edge monitoring tech that lets you stay calm and operating without any surprises


Infrastructure architecture, security, business solutions and more

The world is changing, and the cloud is changing the way of doing business

et to know Microsoft's cloud solutions, and have access to cutting-edge services, software and infrastructure in a few seconds, with just a few clicks.


Understand your business' technology with the help of true Specialists


CompuBusiness is a company focused on Information Technology (IT) that seeks to develop, implement and maintain cutting-edge technological systems for businesses of all sizes, always pursuing concrete results for you, providing competitivity and safety no matter your size.

It's a simple concept: “entregar soluções que AGREGAM VALOR ao cliente”.. Com essa filosofia nossa empresa irá buscar, sempre em parceria com você, soluções práticas e objetivas que visem o retorno de seus investimentos no menor tempo e o crescimento mútuo das empresas.


Rest assured that when we say we have in depth knowledge on small and medium-sized businesses, we continuously study the market and it's necessities, thus acquiring clients and certifications like Microsoft's Small Business Specialist certification. For large corporations, our team of Enterprise segment specialists have solutions tailored for reducing operational costs and staggered investments, shifting many CAPEX investments to OPEX.


Count on our team of specialists to help you in everything needed for your business to make a leap in technology.

See How We Transform Our Clients

See how CompuBusiness Multi-Tecnologia, with support from Microsoft, Banco Itaú and PEGN Magazine, helped Saluton Idiomas revolutionize their business.

"The biggest wealth is already inside a business, it's the acquired clients" - Maria Cláudia

Work wherever you are and be productive

Meet Office 365. Wherever you are, your office is in your hands. More time producing, more results for you and your business.

Simple, Quick and Efficient Backup

Meet Azure Backup. Retire once and for all your tape systems and external HDs, and join the Cloud's safety.


Count on our specialists, contact us right now!
